Dry transformers
as per standard ČSN EN 61558-1, for railway purposes as per ČSN EN 60 310 Issue 3
- Transformers are designed according to the customer´s requirements concerning performance, tranfer, insulation voltage, type (vertical / horizontal), coverage and – to a certain extent – the size.
- Performance of transformers from 1000 VA to 250 kVA (swimming pool transformers from 100 VA to 930 VA)
- Voltage up to 6,3kV
- Feeding frequencies max. 400Hz
- Thermal class F
- Coverage IP00 - IP23 - IP 44
Article in Elektrika.cz Kam se hodí ten, který transformátor? (Which transformer goes where?)
Transformers 3f

- Performance
- Separating
- Autotransformer
Transformers 1f

- Performance
- Separating
- Autotransformer
Transformers for feeding swimming pool accessories

- Feeding of electrical swimming pool accessories
- Transformers conditionally resistant to short circuit
- Coverage IP56 (IP00 without cover)
Transformer cover